Five Simple Tools to Manage Tough Times

Five Simple Tools to Manage Tough Times

Are you feeling overwhelmed when you turn on the news? Are you paranoid that your sore throat might be Covid-19? If you are, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world are feeling these worries. As I write this, thousands of citizens are fleeing Ukraine and...
How to Safely Manage Burnout

How to Safely Manage Burnout

What is burnout? It’s when we feel totally overwhelmed—in our job or in our personal life. That sense of overwhelm can cause us to stop enjoying our work, or not wanting to be around friends or family members. It often happens when we have committed to too many things...
Getting through COVID-19 with the Acronym CALM

Getting through COVID-19 with the Acronym CALM

Here are four simple ways to help you safely, kindly and calmly manage the next few weeks. Control what you can, and accept that at the moment, there are many things outside your control. This is the same for all of us. Activity. Move your body as much as you can....
Five Easy Ways to Calm Anxiety

Five Easy Ways to Calm Anxiety

There’s a famous quote about anxiety by Dr Rick Hanson: “Your brain is like Velcro for negative experiences but Teflon for positive ones.” It’s important to remember this when we are deeply lost in worries or fears about the future. As humans, we are wired to focus...
How to Deal with Bad News Stories

How to Deal with Bad News Stories

There’s so much sad and scary stuff happening in the news right now. Often when we read something tragic, our first reaction is to feel anger at the perpetrator, then helplessness that we are unable to do anything. It’s healthy to feel anger—it’s a normal human...
How to Say ‘No’ When You’re Used to Saying ‘Yes’

How to Say ‘No’ When You’re Used to Saying ‘Yes’

Imagine your boss has just asked you to work over the weekend, or an acquaintance has just invited you out for drinks. And you don’t want to work the weekend, or go out for drinks. But you’re wavering because you don’t have anything else planned. Before you know it,...