Valentine’s Day—A Reminder for Strengthening Relationships
Whether you’re just starting out in a relationship, or whether you’ve been together for years, Valentine’s Day can be a timely reminder to work on strengthening your relationship. The goal is to ensure your channels of communication with each other are healthy and...

A Prescription for Health—Six Deep Breaths
If you’re feeling panicked, or your blood pressure is rising, take six slow deep breaths over 30 seconds. You’ll feel much better and you’ll lower your blood pressure as well. It’s that simple! Japanese researchers gathered information from 25,022 patients from...

How to Cope with Tragedy
Just recently, we heard the terrible news that a precious young British backpacker, Grace Millane had been murdered here in New Zealand. The tragedy has affected New Zealanders, and people around the world deeply and our thoughts and love go out to her grieving...

Beat the Winter Blues—Five Easy Ways
If the cold, the rain, or the shortened hours of sunshine are getting you down, you’re not alone. Many people experience some level of depression or low mood at this time of year. Here are five easy and doable ways to lift you out of the mid-winter funk. And please...

Smash Procrastination with the 5-Minute Rule!
We all procrastinate—some more than others. Whether it’s tidying the house, starting on that assignment, or cooking a decent, healthy meal, many of us put things off because we feel too tired, time poor or overwhelmed. There are so many things needing our attention in...

Let’s Talk S.L.E.E.P
We all want a good night’s sleep. But for many, sleeping the whole night through is a thing of the past. Here’s an acronym that can help you begin to get your sleeping back on track. Remember though, if you’re really struggling, contact a health professional...

The Pleasure of Drinking Mindfully
Sit back, follow these 7 easy steps and really enjoy your next glass of wine, or in fact any drink you choose. Most of us enjoy the pleasure of a glass or two of wine. Any more than that and we tend to lose the health benefits wine might have! Here’s a way to slow...

Prepare for Calm by Stopping – 4 Stress-Reducing Tips
Do you ever think it’s time to slow down? Do you ever feel that life is too busy? If you’re feeling tired or depleted, using the STOP principle can really help. And it’s so easy because all you have to remember is the word STOP! Then you can quietly and calmly come to...

Time to be Kind
In our Western culture, judging ourselves and others harshly seems to be the norm. Most of us don’t even realise how harshly we judge ourselves. I challenge you to go through the day, after reading this, and notice all the times you criticise or judge yourself. Notice...

5 Simple Ways to De-Stress
Stress is everywhere. In the news, we are constantly hearing about disaster and death. Our jobs are getting busier; and now we're being told that the work we do today might not even exist in 20 years, or it will be taken over by robots. For many, commuting to work is...